Reading Everywhere (and how your art changes through the process)

Reading in the Tree girl stoat illustration Inkscape

“Miss a meal if you have to, but don’t miss a book” said Jim Rohn. Although I don’t agree with him about missing meals (I have mentioned it before that I love eating), I think that there are plenty of things in my life I could quit (or would like to quit if possible), but the reading is not one of them.

I don’t read so much that I would like to. For this year’s Reading Challenge goal in Goodreads (God bless this site, it’s awesome!) I set only 36 books and have read 31 of them for now (five more!). One of my colleague set 120 and has surpassed it by already have read 126.

The main reason why I don’t read so much is that I don’t have regular reading habit. Sometimes I don’t read any book in two months and then there are times I swallow one book after another so quickly that I can’t enjoy them so much as I want.

The second reason is everlasting case – not enough time. Drawing is one thing that swallows my time, but this is the thing I love as much as reading. So I would never reduce the time I spent drawing. But there is one thing which could take less time and that is working. Even if I like my job, so long it isn’t reading or drawing (I sometimes read in my workplace though šŸ˜‰ ) I will whine about how much it consumes my time.

But you can’t just quit your job and start reading instead (and in drawing I’m not in this level yet) and that’s why I decided to develop my reading habit. I did some thinking and little research in internet and decided to follow these steps:

  1. Read every morning nearly 25 pages while drinking coffee.
  2. Read every evening 25 pages before bedtime.
  3. Find the “reading place” for yourself. It can be cozy armchair in your home, favourite cafe or even the tree like in the picture
  4. Reduce using internet (especially Facebook)
  5. Carry the book with you everywhere. You never know when there is a change to read it (for example if waiting for doctor or driving in bus, or maybe even in work). And it’s the best possible way to avoid boring situations.

What about you? Do you love reading? And do you think you need better reading habit or you already read so much you want?

But now little about my new picture. At first I wanted to make the picture where it’s raining and that’s the reason of umbrella.* Because how many of you use umbrella in winter? I already made the girl’s clothes which suits with rainy evening. She had yellow raincoat and rubber boots as you can see in this not-yet-ready picture below.

*The rainy picture would have matched better with our weather here in Estonia. Some of you maybe remember how I was whining last December about the missing snow. This year the situation is the same, but I have accepted it.


But you know. Sometimes you start one thing but something different grows out of it. And I think that the snowy picture turned out quite well. What do you think? Should I finish the rainy picture also or is the snowy one good enough?

Thank you for your attention and hope you have peaceful Advent time! šŸ™‚

17 thoughts on “Reading Everywhere (and how your art changes through the process)

  1. Wow! Your snowy day reading illustration is gorgeous! I would be curious to see what your rainy day reading illustration looks like finished. Maybe a “reading on a branch in all kinds of weather” series (if you are so inclined)? Love the cat light and the curled up weasel. So cute! šŸ™‚

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Lovely, lovely illustration!!Just perfect. And yes..I read a lot. A true Jane Austen girl but never pass on English murder mysteries, cookbooks, knitting books, children and teens books….yeah, I read a lot ;o) xo Johanna

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Johanna! šŸ™‚ I really like people who read a lot. šŸ™‚ I read a lot children and teens books. But I think I should also read some great murder mystery book. šŸ™‚
      Sorry for so delayed answer.

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  3. I love your snowy picture! It’s beautiful. But I agree with Myriam, you should do a series šŸ™‚
    I have always read before going to sleep. That’s my reading habit. But sometimes I’m so tired by the time I get to bed, I fall asleep after reading half a page.

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    1. I’m glad you like it, Dorit! šŸ™‚ I have plan to do series about it, but little differently. You’ll see. šŸ™‚
      I have tried to read in the morning lately, but I just can’t wake up earlier. šŸ˜€ Therefore I read also before bedtime (and in my work) šŸ™‚

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  4. This picture is as good as it gets – you should be published. Perhaps you are! I wish I were as good as this! But as for putting aside time, I already do that and I agree it’s the only way to get things done. I sketch and read (one after the other) every morning and every night over my morning and night drinks. Beside the bed in a comfortable chair! I also have my phone with me when out and about and the kindle app has my latest read at hand. Superb picture. Worth saying again!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Your words are too kind, Eleanor. Really, they make me blush. šŸ™‚
      But about reading and drawing. Yeah, I also want to draw and read every day, consistently. But I don’t know why being balanced is so hard to me. I either read all day long, or draw all day or don’t do anything whole day. It’s hard for me to start doing something and then again it’s hard to stop it in the right time. The situation is slowly going better though. šŸ™‚


  5. Love the illsutration so cozy! I’m lucky /unlucky to have a very long commute on the subway and the bus: over an hour each way. And that is my reading time. Got stuck for almost 4 hours in a snowstorm on the bus last week. Not such a bad thing when you have a book

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Scarlet! I appreciate your comment. šŸ™‚
      4 hours in a snowstorm is really long time! :O But, yeah, life can be unexpected and that’s one reason why I always carry a book in my bag. šŸ™‚

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  6. Great illustrations and thanks for the reading tips:) I think I would always feel I should read more how ever much I read, it’s just in the nature of the concept of reading. Lately I’ve been reading more than ever, still I haven’t had much time for books. You know, blogging. Which is great, but I do miss the books.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I understand you very well! It’s so hard to find enough time to do both: reading and blogging. Therefore I have tried different schedules and plans to discover how I am more productive. But recently I realized this simple truth that all I must to do is not push myself and accept that I have my cycles – sometimes I read much, sometimes I draw much, sometimes I do nothing for a long time. Accepting your nature can be so liberating.

      Sorry for the long answer and thank you so so much for your comment! šŸ™‚

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